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As well as treating weeds such as bindweed and ragwort, Diamond is one of the few products on the market that will successfully control horsetail. Faster acting than glyphosate alone....
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Dicophar is a 4-way selective herbicide for managed amenity turf. It's mixture of active ingredients (24-D, dicamba, MCPA and mecoprop-p) make this an ideal choice for controlling a range of...

Gallup Home and Garden

Gallup Home & Garden herbicide is a professional strength glyphosate (360 g/L) weed killer that's available for home & garden use. Pack Coverage 1,666m2.Mapp No. 17672
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Gallup XL

Gallup® XL is a professional industrial strength weedkiller containing 360 grams per litre of Glyphosate, a non-selective total herbicide. High strength plus powerful surfactant for outstanding performance Improved translocation gives...


I-cade selective herbicide is used for controlling tough, woody and invasive weeds. It is a soluble concentrate selective herbicide which can only be used in non-crop situations such as motorway...
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Note: This product is for professional use only. Praxys is a new selective, systemic herbicide for amenity turf, lawns and amenity grassland. Selective, systemic, post-emergence herbicide. Contains three modern, powerful...
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Roundup ProActive 360

Roundup® Pro Active 360 is a glyphosate herbicide recommended for the total control of annual and perennial grasses and broad-leaved weeds in non-crop areas such as roadsides, paths, hard surfaces...
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Note: This product is for professional use only. Sapphire® is an easy and effective way to treat and prevent mould, algae and grime on all hard surfaces. There is no...
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Spot On Pro

Spot on Pro, is a fast and effective weed and moss control. It is a non-selective herbicide for grasses, broadleaved weeds, and mosses on various surfaces with this non-selective herbicide....