
Tax included.

As well as treating weeds such as bindweed and ragwort, Diamond is one of the few products on the market that will successfully control horsetail. Faster acting than glyphosate alone. Controls...

Size: 5L

Categories: Herbicides

As well as treating weeds such as bindweed and ragwort, Diamond is one of the few products on the market that will successfully control horsetail.

  • Faster acting than glyphosate alone.
  • Controls tough weeds such as nettle, ragwort, horsetail and many other broad-leaved weeds which are difficult to kill with striaght glyphosate.
  • Grassland destruction recommendation giving improved and quicker control of weeds such as docks.
  • Fast action- one application for target weeds.
  • Extended weed spectrum to manage tough to control weeds like thistles, oilseed rape and grasses.
  • Use less glyphosate per hectare- you can reduce by half the amount of glyphosate per hectare with the same result.
  • Safe formulation for trees in orchards.


Pack coverage – 2,000m2.
MAPP No. 19846

For Professional Use Only